Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Snooki Bump!!!

For your first HOW TO is one of the most asked questions from my clients is "How do I get that bump in my hair?" Or what I call The Snooki Bump! Ok, maybe not that extreme! It is a really cute and easy style to do. I like to do "the bump" when I'm having a bad hair day or just want my bangs out of my face. And none of those plastic Bump Its things are aloud!! You can create it naturally like this:
   Step 1: TEASE IT!!  You will need a flat brush and a comb. This teasing technique is also great for  creating massive volume in the crown area for some big sexy hair!!! Pick up the entire area of hair you want to bump, you are going to tease this area section by section, starting from the back and working your way to the front. So your first section will be in the back of the area , like in the picture above . Pull it forward, like I did in the picture above. Then take your comb and start back combing (teasing!) Start at the middle of the section and push downward, do this 2 or 3 strokes. Be gentle you don't have to tear at it! Then let go of that section and continue to move forward and do the same with the next section until you get to the front. When your finished it will look like a big matted mess! But thats ok! Take your flat brush and VERY LIGHTLY use the brush to smooth the top down to hide your tease underneath.  Like this:
Don't use your comb to smooth, because it will just pull out the cushion you just created.
 Step 2:BUMP IT!! Take the teased section and slightley push it forward and then pinch where you want the bobby pins like this:
Then slide the bobby pins in, right where my fingers are. Cross them over each other like an X. You can use regular bobby pins but I really like the small ones so you can't see them as well. They also make them the color of your hair: blonde, light brown and dark brown. You can get them at Sallys. If you wanna get fancey, you can take a strand of hair, right next to the bump you just created, and place it over your bobby pins to cover them. Then weave the end of the starnd into the bobby pins.
Step 3: PONYTAIL IT!! Use your flat brush to sleek back your hair into a pony tail. If you want to make it super cute, leave out a small strand of hair out of your ponytail and wrap it around your ponytail holder and then bobby pin the end into your hair, right behind the ponytail holder. You can alson BRAID the strand of hair before you wrap it around your holder! Like I did on the beautiful Miss Ashley:
Step 4: LEAVE IT DOWN!!: I do this look when I want my bangs out of my face, but want to keep my hair down for the night. For a formal look, give your ends a little curl! I like Jessica Alba's look because its not a super high bump!

And Finale! Step 5: SPRAY IT!! Use some hair spary on the front and the bobby pins. If you wrapped your hair around the pony tail holder, spray that too, just to keep it extra secure. If you curled the ends, add some light hold spray so they are still movable, but stay all night. I really like Bed Head's Hard Head if you like a really firm hold or Sebastian's Shaper Zero Gravity for a light brushable hold.
Now you know how to:  tease properly, place a bump anywhere in your hair, create a cute ponytail! So have fun and play with it try it! Let me know how it goes or doesn't go. And remember,

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