Monday, October 10, 2011

Your using your flat iron all wrong, stop that.

There are so many people out there that are using your stying tools all wrong. But its not your fault, it can all be very confusing and time consuming. My job is to give you tips to use these tools to your benefit and get as much usage and life out of them as you can.
    The most commonly miss used tool is the flat iron. Most of you ladies (and gentlemen, if your on jersey shore or emo) use the flat iron everyday and don't realize you can get your hair smoother!
Step 1: Take about a 1/2 in. to 1 inch section of hair, depending on the texture and thickness.
Step 2: Run your comb thrown the section and then run your flat iron through it.
Step 3: give it one more comb and move on to the next section.
If you do this simple trick you will notice your hair will be so much straighter, because you are combing out the hair of all the bubbles and tangles in it before you iron it. This is really going to iron in the frizzys. It will take you alot less time to flat iron and it wil only take you one to two strikes of the iron to flatten each section, so its less damaging too! It also prevents you from burning your fingers on your hair. Think of your comb as an extension of your hands. I suggest you are useing a heat protectant and a anti-frizz sirum, if you have curly hair. The more you practice it, you will get used to it and it will change your life.

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